• Location: Oxford
  • Client: Oxford University Estates Directorate
  • Contract Duration: 39 Weeks



  • Strategic Construction
  • Design Co-ordination
  • Engineering


The project consisted of the refurbishment and remodelling of the historic and Grade 1 listed Old Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera. The majority of the works were undertaken beneath ground level and were served by temporary hoists installed in a fully enclosed secure structure.

Parts of both buildings remained in full operation so the interfaces with the buildings users and the general public was one of the most challenging parts of the scheme. Identifying this interface very early on meant employing additional management to specifically control this element.

When complete the library benefitted from 4 new lifts, new reception area, toilets and an open plan book store with individual reading booths.

ProjectImageBodleinCentre (3)
ProjectImageBodleinCentre (3)
  • Location: Oxford
  • Client: Oxford University Estates Directorate
  • Contract Duration: 39 Weeks



  • Strategic Construction
  • Design Co-ordination
  • Engineering


The project consisted of the refurbishment and remodelling of the historic and Grade 1 listed Old Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera. The majority of the works were undertaken beneath ground level and were served by temporary hoists installed in a fully enclosed secure structure.

Parts of both buildings remained in full operation so the interfaces with the buildings users and the general public was one of the most challenging parts of the scheme. Identifying this interface very early on meant employing additional management to specifically control this element.

When complete the library benefitted from 4 new lifts, new reception area, toilets and an open plan book store with individual reading booths.